I’ve never read Moby Dick either, haha, and never had interest in it for whatever reason. Huckleberry Finn is another I’ll probably never read.

The Brothers Karamazov is one I will one day finish reading, even though I’ve tried multiple times already haha

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Bleak House: Charles Dickens. I’ve seen the play, TV productions and loved them but oh I’ve tried so hard to read this - it’s exhausting :)

Clockers: Richard Price is on my to read list. Heard an interview of his and he intrigues me.

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I got a kick out of this…I’ve read Moby Dick, The Power Broker and all 4 volumes of the Years of Lyndon Johnson. I may never read the 5th volume but that’s because it might not ever be published!

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Thanks Mavis. I LOVED Cloud Atlas, read it twice, and saw the film 4 or 5 times.

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Would you listen to ‘The whale’ on Audible, or if someone read it to you for 1/2 hour every night before bed, you know, go back to being a kid with bedtime stories. Have to admit, I’ve only ever read half of it - preferred the film (however bad the special effects were) with Spencer Tracy.

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Why would you never read Moby Dick? It’s really good. I think you’d like it. To The Lighthouse is also a good one, can be a bit challenging though.

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"Moby Dick" is an American classic and worth reading but Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener", is my favorite and a hoot. "To The Lighthouse" is tricky but doable and if it's the correct Woolf I am thinking about, it reminds me never to have house guests. I simply cannot get past the first few pages (trying about 7 times) of Proust's "Remembrance of Things Past". But I'd just like to end with this : all the people out there who could never get past the first chapter of David Mitchell's "Cloud Atlas", give it another try!

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Looking forward to the monthly drop of books youre never going to read😆. The books on tape version of Moby Dick is amazing, my Dad used to play it for me to fall asleep to when I was a child insomniac.

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Love this. I have to say, I never managed to get into the Power Broker, but found the first volume of the LBJ books to be absolutely riveting. Give it a try!

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Moby Dick is AWESOME. True, I haven't read it, but I have read bits, and it's actually funny! I am definitely going to read Moby Dick one day. Lyndon Johnson—never.

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